Sunday, June 17, 2007


1.The song you've been most singing to
yourself recently?
- way back into love.

2. What do you currently want right
- pang aliw ng sarili.

3. What did you do today?
- wala. friendster, multiply, soundtrip, text, nuod, eat the usual.

4. Are you hungry? What would you
- i just ate.

5.What have you been thinking about
most today?
- how could... shit.

6. Do you ever just sit outside and
watch the stars?
- yup.

7. What is your current annoyance?
- the thing...

8. Do you want a new cell phone?
- not really.

9. Are you waiting for someone right
- NO.

10. Name one thing you’re looking
forward to this week?
- apology? or, explanation.

11. Can you make new friends easily?
- cguro.. hindi na xado eh.

12. What would you do if your best
friend turned gay/lesbian?
- um, um, wala naman. accept them for who they are.

13. Do you plan out what you wear the
day before you wear it?
- YUP. hehe.

14. What is music to you?
- happiness. ;)

15. Have you ever fell for an
officemate or classmate?
- YUP.

16. How many hours do you sleep?
this week?
- 6 during weekdays. 8-11 weekends.

17. How many times do you eat each
- 2 or 3.

18. How do you cheer someone up?
- be weird.

19. Are you a morning person?
- ewan.

20. Is it easier for you to fall?
- yeah. pero now, di na.

21. Think of one person, stick with
it. you don’t have to say their name.
Would you pick him/her up stranded 100
plus miles away if it was your
- ok lang.

22. Has your best friend ever hurt
your feelings?
- oo. iyak ako ng iyak nun. : (

23. Give two reasons why you get
distracted in class.

24. Do you think it’s funny when
people get hurt?
- i am now, do you think its funny?! shit.

1 comment:

♥Paula said...
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